Saturday, September 10, 2011

X will make you fertile! Y will make you infertile!

If you start hanging around fertility boards, you get a lot of advice on what enhances fertility, and what hampers it. You get some good suggestions, such as:

Losing weight will help your fertility!
Okay. I buy that.

Going off birth control will make you fertile!
Yeah. That makes sense.

Having sex will help make a baby! If you don't have sex, it's harder to get pregnant!
Got it. Sex = baby.

If you don't have sex during your fertile period, you won't get pregnant!
Right. No egg = unemployed sperm.

Then you get into the realm of "alternate therapies"

Acupuncture will make you more fertile!
I don't know about this one, but it's been around for a while, and a lot of people put stock in it. I'm not going to discount it.

Sugar will make you infertile!
I guess I can kind of see that, if you have PCOS and blood sugar issues, then cutting out sugar will stabilize your blood sugar levels, disrupting the negative feedback loop between insulin and low hormone levels....okay....

Use Instead Softcups! They'll hold the sperm up near your cervix - it will have no where else to go but into your egg.
Maybe if you plan on doing Jazzercize right after you have sex...

And then you get into the sphere of Crazyland. And granted, I fully understand why people want to visit Crazyland. It's lovely this time of year. And in Crazyland, the following things make you fertile:

Fertility stones, fertility candles, yams, sleeping with the lights on, crazy nasty herbs , soy, maca root, baby aspirin, chiropractors, vitamin B6, Red Raspberry Leaf tea, green tea, tea tree, lavender, dextoxing, oil pulling (swishing oil in your mouth), Chaste berry tea, yoga, meditation, robitussin, royal jelly, uterine massage, lunaception, Fertibella, Tulsi tea, iodine, melatonin

And the following things make you infertile:
Coffee, Tea, alcohol, high heels, hot tubs, peas, soy (ha! it's on both lists), stress, dairy, gluten, too much sex, not enough sex, low iron, antihistamines, microwaves, cell phones, radios, air pollution, NSAIDs (IBproufin)

To simplify things, I've made my own list of what helps fertility:

Being fertile

You're welcome.


  1. i had no idea sex could make you pregnant! AGH~ also what about sex after eating tofu?
